Experience Unity, Liberty, and Vital Worth
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play and to pray in, where Nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. – John Muir
Little Harbor Chapel, located at 335 Little Harbor Road in the heart of the Little Harbor woods and just minutes from downtown Portsmouth, NH, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) and undenominational Chapel established in 1902. LHC offers Summer Sunday services led by visiting ministers in July and August. Open to all, the Chapel is a pristine setting for weddings, renewals, baptisms, and memorial ceremonies, and with private, off-road parking, it is a unique venue for arts and cultural events. Event rentals are available year-round. Visit our Reservations page for more information about booking the Chapel.
“The True spirit of religion is like sunshine. I will not try to argue with my brother, not to convert him, but as no one can live without warmth, I will try to ‘sun him out.’ Let us have Unity in endeavor, morals, and action—liberty in Doctrine and Vital Worth in Everything. If I value my convictions, I will gladly respect those of my neighbor. If I am trying to love him as myself, I will also love and protect his independence.”
Chapel Trails Sanctuary
Following Carey’s philosophy of unity, respect for the other, and his deep love of the Little Harbor woods, the Chapel strives to ensure that the land it stewards remains undeveloped and a safe home for the native flora and fauna that inhabit it. Chapel Trails Sanctuary welcomes walkers to enjoy a network of unmaintained trails through the Chapel’s private property at their own risk. Chapel Trails Sanctuary is a revered place to immerse oneself in the serenity of nature, just a few minutes away from downtown Portsmouth. By making the property accessible, the Chapel welcomes the community to foster a spiritual connection with nature and to build a shared respect among all who frequent this sacred place. For the comfort of all who access our property, leashed dogs are welcome.
Hutchings-Votey Organ (Opus 1479, 1902)
The Chapel is home to a one-of-a-kind Hutchings-Votey pipe organ, last played in the 1980s. A full restoration is currently being explored. To learn more about our organ, visit the Pipe Organ Database. Contributions to the restoration are gratefully welcome. To support the restoration fund, please email [email protected].